Perfficiency Conducted simultaneous procurement exercises identifying and implementing new telecommunications and IT service providers via tender.
The first tender was for telecommunications, requiring connectivity and hardware in excess of 500 mobile telephones and 300 mobile tablets. All of the major providers and specialist telecommunications providers were invited to tender and after the process was concluded Explore Plant Hire had a new partner who were able to offer greater capability than their existing provider along with annual savings in excess of 15% compared against current cost.
The second procurement exercise was to identify a new IT service provider for the services of hardware provision, help desk support and IT management. Previously the above processes were all managed in house and Explore Plant hire found this limiting and costly. With the help of Perfficiency we were able to identify a new outsourced provider which increased Explore Plant Hire’s IT capabilities, gave them more access to a greater pool of IT support and were able to pass on much of the day to day IT management enabling them to concentrate more on their own specialist operations. In addition to this increase of capability, it also saw an annual cost saving compared to the existing in house operation.